Monday, April 25, 2011

photography how to

some people enjoy close up pictures like this one:
picture by jamie
some peope enjoy far away pictures like this one
different people like different styles of photography. i like close up shots and not as much far away shots.
to get a close up shot you have to either get close up or use zoom.
to get far away shots you have to zoom out or back up from the shot.
And always go for the odd and unobviose pictures. Even if they are hard to get. try to keep the camera steady and u always need a focal point. use the focal point to your advatage. so like if the focal point is clear and the backrounds not then thats a good pciture if only half is clear that a cool picture. just remember that not every picture will win a prize.


  1. I have to say I'm more of a far away person when it comes to pictures. I love landscape shots. Great information!

  2. I like that you are trying to give us some pointers on how you take such great photos. It would be cool if you did a series of posts like this, each time with more information about what to do. Keep up the great shots!
